Hemorrhoid Banding

Why is hemorrhoid banding performed?

Depending on their size and location, hemorrhoids can cause rectal bleeding, anal pain or itching.  Placing rubber bands on the internal component of hemorrhoids causes the tissue to decrease in size and thereby decreases associated rectal bleeding and prolapse of internal hemorrhoids. Occasionally large external hemorrhoids causing anal itching or pain are associated with large internal hemorrhoids.  In this scenario, your doctor may recommend banding the internal hemorrhoids in order to decrease the size of the associated external hemorrhoids.

What preparation is required?

Follow prep instructions provided by your physician.

An enema before your procedure.

Can I take my current medications?

Most medications can be continued as usual, but some medications must be stopped. Review your medications with your physician.

What happens during hemorrhoid banding?

Hemorrhoid banding is an outpatient procedure that is well tolerated and rarely causes much pain.

What are possible complications of hemorrhoid banding?

Hemorrhoid banding is a safe procedure and complications are rare. Possible complications include perforation or tear of the colon, bleeding, reactions to the sedatives or complications of heart of lung disease. If perforation occurs your doctor will recommend hospitalization, antibiotics and possibly surgery. Bleeding usually stops on its own, or it can be controlled during the procedure. Rarely is follow-up treatment required. You will be monitored by a registered nurse throughout the procedure for any problems with sedation, breathing or your heart. Rarely, patients experience anal pain after hemorrhoid banding. This usually results from spasm of the anal sphincter muscles and is usually relieved with an ointment your doctor may recommend. Contact your doctor if you notice severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, or rectal bleeding of more than one-half cup. Note that bleeding can occur several days after the procedure. This bleeding can usually be controlled with repeat endoscopic examination.